Compared to other sports, fishing doesn’t exactly look like the most strenuous physical activity. In fact, if you’ve never had the pleasure of going fishing, it might seem as though all it involves is a whole lot of sitting around.
In reality, fishing is a demanding water sport that tests your skills, knowledge, and physical ability. What’s more, fishing benefits both your body and mind in many ways. Keep reading to learn some of the surprising health benefits of fishing!
1. Full-Body Workout
Battling even a small fish calls for you to engage your shoulders, back, arms, legs, and core. When you factor in walking to a good fishing spot, wading through water, and carrying your kit, it’s easy to see that fishing for beginners is no easy ride!
2. Relaxation
One of the top reasons to fish is to get away from it all and enjoy the beauty of nature. Spending time outdoors is a surefire way to boost your mood and promote relaxation. In turn, this helps reduce the stress, anxiety, and depression that can plague our modern lives.
3. Lower Blood Pressure
The relaxing effect of fishing also helps lower your blood pressure too. What’s more, focusing on a task while outside in nature is comparable to a form of meditation, an activity found to help those with high blood pressure and excess tension.
4. Family Bonding
Fishing is often a skill passed down through generations. Teaching and learning different types of fishing and spending family time out on the water provides a lot of great memories while also promoting feelings of security, well-being, and social support.
5. Balance
Owning a boat gives you a new sense of freedom, but have you ever tried reeling in a catfish while standing up in one?! This kind of acrobatic maneuver requires a lot of balance and core strength, both of which offset back pain and improve flexibility.
6. Immunity
While out fishing, you’ll get plenty of chance to soak up vitamin D from the sun. As well as boosting your mood, vitamin D is vital for cell growth and immunity, ensuring you’re fighting fit and ready to stave off infections and illnesses.
7. Fresh Air
Air pollution has all kinds of negative effects on your body, causing everything from heart disease to breathing problems. And chances are, you’re breathing it in every day. So, whether your 24 volt trolling motors are powering you across the water or you’re sitting on a riverbank, make sure to take in plenty of that clean, oxygen-rich air.
8. Patience
It takes a lot of perseverance to keep dropping your line in and coming back with nothing. But one of the reasons to fish and keep fishing is how this continued effort helps you become more patient. And with patience comes tranquility, contentment, and less stress.
The Health Benefits of Fishing
As this list shows, the health benefits of fishing are numerous.
While it’s a low-impact form of exercise that looks more chilled than challenging, the truth is, fishing benefits both your mental and physical health in many ways.
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