What is the most important resource that any business has access to?
Employees! Without trained, skilled staff, your company can’t succeed. Of course, to get the most out of your staff, you need to know how to use them.
That’s where workforce scheduling comes into play.
A good, well-defined work schedule is the cornerstone of a successful business. Schedules tell your employees where they should be and when they should be there, helping your company run efficiently.
Workforce scheduling isn’t easy, though. To make a schedule that works, you need to accommodate your workers while also thinking about the needs of your business.
There are a few things you can do to improve the efficiency of your work schedule. Read on to learn five tips that will improve your employee scheduling.
Take Staff Availability Into Account
When you hire a new employee, that employee’s availability should always be part of the conversation. They may have other duties that prevent them from working certain days or taking specific shifts.
Keep track of employee availability for your entire staff–scheduling someone for a shift they can’t work causes problems for you and frustration for them.
Define Your Staffing Needs
What hours are the most important for your business? When are you most likely to need the support of a few extra employees? For instance, if you run a grocery store, you may need more coverage on Saturday afternoons.
The same applies to lighter shifts; cut down on labor costs by scheduling fewer workers when business is slow.
Improve Employee Communication
Clarity is key when setting a work schedule. Everyone in your organization needs to understand the schedule you set forth; they also need to be able to contact you if they have questions about it.
Improving communication also makes it easier to reduce absences or contact employees for coverage if someone calls in sick.
Take Advantage of Tools
Numerous tools can help you schedule things more easily, from databases that help you track employee availability to scheduling software that makes switching shifts a breeze.
Workforce housing can also simplify scheduling by giving employees a living area near their worksite, cutting down commutes. There are other things to consider about workforce housing, too–most of them beneficial.
Be Flexible
A set, predictable benefits everyone; that said, life often gets in the way of predictability. It’s inevitable that an employee will call in sick, cash in some vacation days, or otherwise affect your carefully planned work schedule.
When that happens, don’t panic! Your employees deserve some time off once in a while. If you’ve planned your schedule well, it should be easy to find coverage for anyone who needs time off.
Improve Your Workforce Scheduling
Workforce scheduling is a key aspect of employee management, but it’s often overlooked. The tips covered here can revolutionize your employee scheduling efforts, resulting in happier employees and better business.
Once your work schedule is taken care of, you can focus on other ways to improve your company. Visit our business news page to learn about the newest innovations that can help improve your workplace Learn More