Wisdom teeth are complicated things. It seems like sometimes their growth is decided on the flip of a coin. They can grow perfectly, or they can grow oddly enough that they cause discomfort and eventually need removal. There are many problems that the incorrect growth of wisdom teeth can cause in your mouth. In this blog, we will discuss those problems and see if they warrant getting your wisdom teeth removed.
But before that, more and more people are concerned about their dental health and are looking for quick dental solutions. So, take a look at our services; we are emergency dentists in Leicester and other cities and offer top-notch dental care.
When is Removal of Wisdom Teeth Not Needed?
Though it might seem like every teenager or young adult is getting their wisdom teeth removed, many dentists believe that “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’, which basically means that if your wisdom teeth feel fine to you, and look fine to your dentist, then they probably don’t need removal.
These are some of the circumstances that indicate there is no need for removal:
- The wisdom teeth grow healthy.
- They are positioned correctly and in line with other teeth.
- They are easily reachable by a toothbrush or floss.
- There is little to no discomfort in their eruption.
When is Removal of Wisdom Teeth Needed?
Pain is almost always the first sign for patients. Their wisdom teeth start to hurt, this can also be due to their natural, correct growth, but if the pain grows too excruciating and your wisdom teeth don’t start appearing, it can be a sign that you might need extraction of those teeth.
Why You Might Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
Teeth Damage & Crowding
Because of the positioning of your teeth, when your extra set of molars erupts, they can, if they grow incorrectly, cause damage to your grand molars. They can also cause crowding, which can make your teeth shift in a disorganised manner, causing pain, tooth decay, cavities, and more.
Pain & Sensitivity
The eruption and the movement of your teeth in relation to the growth of your extra set of molars can cause an immense amount of pain. That’s why it is recommended to pay attention to where the pain occurs. Sometimes, the pain can also be due to infection that can grow due to improper care.
Inflammation in Gums
Gums are also quite affected by the growth of wisdom teeth. They can suffer a lot if the wisdom teeth grow at a strange angle. The angle can make it hard to clean your teeth, which can lead to issues and inflamed gums. Your gums start to look reddish and feel sore to the touch.
Sinus Issues
The mouth and the nose are very closely connected, but it might shock you to know that impacted wisdom teeth can also be detrimental to your sinuses. Due to incorrect growth of the wisdom teeth, you can experience pan, pressure and even congestion in your sinuses. Your oral health can have consequences on your overall health too.
Wisdom teeth can be a complicated thing to understand. That is why it is recommended to have regular doctor visits to track their growth and make sure they are growing properly. And also to see whether their removal is needed. Sometimes the removal of wisdom teeth can be needed immediately due to pain or other circumstances, so if you are looking for an emergency dentist in Manchester or nearby, then contact us at Emerdency.