Then why should anyone want to Do It Yourself shelving when you could quickly go to the furniture store nearby and purchase something already made? Do you think building your shelves is the best option? I’ve constructed many shelves in our house Here are the most important three points. Most of the open shelves philippines I’ve built have been designed in one way or another. One of our daughters wanted an upper shelf over her bed that could accommodate the size of her Barbie dolls and other toys in a particular manner. The result was the exact color, the exact size she desired, and the exact mixture of open shelving and cubes. Finding it in a shop was a challenge. It’s much more affordable to construct your shelves yourself. If I’m creating something simple like a standard bookcase, I build to design the structure based on those dimensions on a traditional wooden board.
Then, I ensure you cut the wood in to leave me wood that I can use for future projects. Compared to purchasing a similar bookcase from the market, I usually save a significant amount of money. There is no need to purchase new wood. One of my projects is a storage system that can be placed over and around the toilet in the kids’ bathroom. I’m building it from the old cabinet that my neighbor dumped out. Make it a steal if you can. It’s not an ordinary project. It’s designed for specific dimensions. I couldn’t shop around and purchase something that took benefit of this space. There you are. If you’re on the fence and not sure if you should begin constructing, Do It Yourself shelving, try it. You’ll be able to create unique designs at less than the price of purchasing from a store and have a lot of fun throughout the process.
Along with making me more money and saving one or two trees, I feel satisfied when creating my open shelves or storage designs. I’m the owner of a small wooden space in my shed in my garden and find it relaxing to spend an hour in the woods creating something new. It’s also a great project to share with the children, and they’re all learning about the art of woodworking, decorating for the home, and planning and implementing projects. These skills will be helpful in the future, as they can modify designs to suit the materials available and the budget, I’ve set for them and the time to work with. It’s quality time. Even our five-year-old enjoys using’s instead of the toy set he has. Kids also learn how to be responsible and safe. It’s a win-win for everyone!