The Damascus wood ring is a new entrant in the world of wedding bands. It was developed in Syria, but due to the Arab Spring uprisings many people now view it as an international product. It was created by the internationally famous jeweller Dr. Zein al-Khatib as a means to create a more durable alternative to the steel bands available at the time. In order to achieve this, he created what is known as ‘oxidation’ in the industry. This is where metal is placed in a solution that reacts with oxygen and forms a new alloy.
The band in question in this case has the same basic construction as a conventional Damascus Wood Ring. There are four basic pieces that make up the top ring. At the centre is a flat plate with a raised center stone. This stone can be either the traditional Damascene rose or a darker ebony black. Beyond this you will find that the band contains individual diamonds all of which are set with tiny gems of different sizes within the band. This creates a unique style that cannot be replicated by any other metal or material.
The beauty of these rings is that they require very little maintenance. They don’t rust, rub against each other or cause any friction which means that there is no need to replace the rings as often as gold and silver bands do. This means that they are far more expensive than most other types of rings but the tradeoff comes in that they can last much longer and therefore should remain in good condition for years to come. You won’t have to replace them every year, as many would think, but instead they will last for many years and do so very well.
These types of rings are very popular with women who want to add a touch of class to their jewelry collection. Many of them are quite elaborate with engravings and patterns set into the metal. Others have stones set flush onto the band’s surface but this is not mandatory. The decision on what you want will be down to personal taste and what you have available in your ring making budget.
A hand-carved design is very popular. This consists of all of the individual stones being carved by the Damascus Wedding Bands. This can involve anything from petals to thorns and everything in between. There are many pieces available to choose from and they are all very beautiful. The most common styles include Victorian and Edwardian styles but there are also some very interesting designs that you may wish to consider.
The price of the ring will depend on the size and the craftsmanship involved. Generally, the larger the rings the more expensive they will be. However, there are some very beautiful hand-carved wood rings available which are far cheaper than you may think. Of course, this is down to individual preference and what you have available in your budget.
The real draw to the ring is its history. Damascus is a city which has been famous for its crafts for hundreds of years. There are many stories of the legendary story of the three Kings who came to be known as the Russian Crone or Royal Crone. The ring they left behind is thought to have been the inspiration for the stunning crystal rings that are so popular today. This shows that there is a long and rich history for the beautiful ring.
These rings have a unique charm about them. The beautiful and unique look which is provided by the grain of the wood is hard to reproduce. The feel of the metal and the pattern on the face combine to make this a unique piece of jewelry which is hugely popular among women all over the world. The look of the wood and the detailed carving which is done by the artisan adds to it all being a wonderful and beautiful piece to wear.