Are contentment and success, however you may define them, reserved only for a select few? Or, is it possible for anyone to attain them? Spiritual/Magical Life Transformation Coach Shadi Amiri firmly believes in the latter and offers her own life as proof that no matter where you may come from, an ultimately happy life transformation is yours if you are ready for it.
“I have the life that I want today, but not so long ago, my reality was very different,” says the Founder of Happy Life Coaching & Consulting. “Every aspect of my life was infected with junk: my romantic relationships, my career, my finances, my health – everything. Honestly, it was exhausting to live like that. I kept looking for a better life but just didn’t have a clue how I could achieve it. I think many people can relate to how I felt: tired and very discouraged.”
Shadi says that the turning point came when she lost her only brother to sudden death in January 2019. That was when she realized that she could either keep going in the same direction and continue spiraling, or she could make a change.
“Becoming my own advocate and pursuing my happiness was harder than you might expect,” she states. “I learned very quickly that the world was full of unhappy people who didn’t want to see me succeed. They wanted me to stay exactly where I was: unhappy with them. I had to choose to manifest a better life which has led me to a path where they were left behind and to strike out on my life.”
When she started manifesting her happiness, Shadi felt liberated. “By the power of the universe, I suddenly found myself throwing off the chains that had been holding me back, and I was free to experience life in a new way.”
Key to her journey was manifestation, which gradually changed her life. She met amazing masters throughout her journey, and under the guidance of her masters, she learned more about her unique place in the world, including how valuable of a human being she really was.
“This was huge for me. I had never thought much of myself, but this changed over the course of a year as I learned to become more connected to the power of the universe,” Shadi explains. “I filled myself with the energies of God and the universe, which gave me the ability to be the manifestation magnet that I am today.”
The difference in Shadi’s life was remarkable. Her self-esteem improved, and she began to attract a different crowd of people. Most importantly, she manifested her dream life, including her dream partner, dream career, dream income, dream inner peace, and dream lifestyle.
“I remember waking up one morning and feeling totally at peace,” Shadi says. “I felt like I had closed the chapter on an old life that no longer fit me. I was more than ready to explore this new way of living and enjoy the journey, which has been life changing. I have never looked back again – I am having too much fun living happy and in peace every second of my life!”
Now that her life is on track and clicking, Shadi is devoting herself to helping other people experience the same metamorphosis through the “DIY Your Happy Life Online Workshop,” which launches on July 2, 2022.
“Everywhere I go, I find people who are hungry to understand how they, too, can align their energies with the new energies of the universe faster and easier,” she says. “They can sense that the magical powers of the universe and within human beings can help them to achieve their desired lifestyle. They are simply like I was – aware that there is something better waiting for them but unsure how to attain it.”
In the “DIY Your Happy Life Online Workshop”, Shadi reveals her top secrets, methods and tools that helped her to manifest her dream life. The cost of the workshop, which is currently on pre-sale promotion for $200 discount, includes lifetime access to its materials plus lifetime monthly full-moon and new-moon ritual updates based on the energies of each month. “I am building a real tribe of people who are ready to have better,” she says. “I am so excited about inspiring attendees to manifest what they have always wanted to have.”
To help more people experience change in their lives, Happy Life Coaching & Consulting is also offering an energy balancer manifestation kit. “This is magical,” Shadi says. “It is a beautiful crystal-charged vision journal that amplifies the manifestation process. It includes real, high-quality crystals inside every page of the journal to help the energies of manifestation work faster and more smoothly.”
The journal, which is blessed during a full-moon ritual, includes magical mantras that help the person’s mind connect to the journal as well as picture slots where the user can attach pictures of their dream life. The kit also includes five feng-shui manifestation pieces and tools to make sure the user aligns the energies of their home and sets the energy rotation in the proper way for the best manifestation results. While Shadi is only making 100 kits per month, she has plans to grow her team and increase production.
To reach more people in need of inspiration, Shadi is preparing to release DIY Your Happy Life, her book that details all the secrets of her journey and life story. It goes into more depth how she managed to transform her life from lower than rock bottom to where she is today using the new energy frequencies of the world. Shadi is today manifesting to attract an amazing literary agent whose energies align with hers to help her publish her book to the world.
“Life looks so much better when you no longer have so many worries and when you finally believe in yourself,” says Shadi. “After so many years of internal misery, I can tell you that it is a real gift to have a calm mind and joyful spirit. Remember: if I turned my life around, anyone can do the same. Manifestation is the beginning of a much better, magical life!”
For more information about Spiritual/Magical Life Transformation Coach Shadi Amiri and her “DIY Your Happy Life Online Workshop”, please visit